Embracing AI in Product Design: Our Top Picks and Personal Experience

Embracing AI in Product Design: Our Top Picks and Personal Experience

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When many people think of AI or artificial intelligence, they often view it negatively, assuming it can’t match human capabilities. While that may be true in some cases, one area where AI is making significant inroads is in product design.

At Mondoro, we’ve incorporated several AI-based programs into our workflow. We want to share our top picks and explain why we love them and how they can benefit you. We have picked the top three programs that we love and use all the time.

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Harnessing AI in Product Design: Our Top Tools and Insights

When many people think of AI or artificial intelligence, they often have a negative perception, believing that AI cannot match humans’ capabilities. While this might be true in some contexts, AI is significantly advancing in fields like product design.

At Mondoro, we’ve discovered several outstanding AI-based programs that enhance our design process, making it more efficient and innovative. These tools bridge the gap between human creativity and technological prowess, proving that AI can be a powerful ally in the design world.

Here are three of our top AI-based programs and why we love them. First, ChatGPT helps us overcome writer’s block and generate creative ideas, acting like a virtual assistant that enhances our productivity.

The AI Art Generator allows us to quickly create design elements and finishes, providing a fast and relatively accurate way to bring our ideas to life.

Lastly, Viz.com offers valuable insights and suggestions for product development and room settings, often sparking new and innovative ideas.

These programs have become integral to our workflow, demonstrating that AI can indeed complement and enhance human capabilities in product design. Read on as we explore more of each of these three programs.


One of our favorite tools is ChatGPT. Whether you use the free or paid version, ChatGPT is incredibly versatile. I prefer the paid version because we use it extensively, and it offers faster responses and advanced capabilities.


ChatGPT has become indispensable in overcoming writer’s block and brainstorming ideas for collections and various types of writing.

For me, ChatGPT functions like a virtual assistant. Imagine having an assistant who can generate a list of ideas, rewrite content in a specific tone, or provide detailed information on a topic. That’s precisely what ChatGPT does for us. It doesn’t replace our creativity or critical thinking but enhances it by providing a solid foundation to build upon.

We chose the paid version because it’s faster and leverages the latest technology, but the free version is still a fantastic option. It might be slower and lack some advanced features, but it’s a great starting point.

AI Art Generator

The AI Art Generator is another fantastic tool, primarily for using Apple products like the iPhone or iPad. As its name suggests, this program generates art, which we find incredibly useful for creating designs and finishes.

AI Art Generator
AI Art Generator

What I love about the AI Art Generator is its speed and relative accuracy. While it might not always hit the mark exactly, it often comes close.

The key to getting the best results lies in crafting effective prompts. A well-structured prompt leads to better outcomes, so it often takes some experimentation to find the right ones.


Vizcom.ai has become one of my favorite programs for various reasons. It’s tailored for product development, allowing you to import photos and receive design options based on input.

You can even provide sketches, and Vizcom will generate suggestions from them.


In our work, we use Vizcom to develop new product ideas and to place products in room settings. Sometimes, their interpretations differ from what we initially envisioned, which can be frustrating. However, these variations often lead to innovative ideas that we wouldn’t have considered otherwise.

Like other AI programs, Vizcom offers both free and paid versions. The paid version provides more options and faster processing, but the free version is also quite capable and suitable for most users.

We’ve noticed that many interior designers and design schools are beginning to incorporate Vizcom into their curriculum. This trend represents the future of design as these tools continue to evolve and improve.

Embracing AI at Mondoro

At Mondoro, AI is here to stay, and these programs will only improve. That’s why we’ve decided to embrace these technological advancements and use them to our advantage.

AI helps us streamline our processes, enhance creativity, and stay ahead in a competitive market.

Integrating AI tools like ChatGPT, AI Art Generator, and Viz.com into our workflow improved our efficiency and opened up new avenues for creativity and innovation. These tools don’t replace human creativity but complement it, making our design process more dynamic and versatile.

While AI might still be skeptical, our experience has shown that it can significantly enhance product design. We encourage other designers to explore these tools and see how they can transform their creative processes.

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How is AI Transforming Product Design? Our Top Picks and Personal Experience Below or By clicking here.

How is AI Transforming Product Design? Our Top Picks and Personal Experience

At Mondoro, we’re excited about the future and look forward to seeing how AI continues to shape the design world.

Find out more about how Mondoro can help you create, develop, and manufacture excellent home decor and furniture products – don’t hesitate to contact me, Anita. Check out my email by clicking here or become a part of our community and join our newsletter by clicking here.

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Why Is Shapr3D So Expensive? Is Shapr3D Worth It?

Shapr3-D is expensive because it is a program made for design professionals. Shapr3D has many training videos so that you can learn how to design 3-D CAD drawings. Shapr3D can help you create 3-D products for your home decor and home furnishing design needs.

You can discover more by reading Why Is Shapr3D So Expensive? Is Shapr3D Worth It? by clicking here.

How Do I Self-learn 3-D Modeling? Why Shapr3D Is Our Pick

To self-learn a 3-D modeling program, you need to have the right equipment, an actual 3D program for you to learn, and enough self-learning videos or manuals for that 3D program so that you can learn and master the program on your own.

You can learn more by reading How Do I Self-learn 3-D Modeling? Why Shapr3D Is Our Pick by clicking here.

Autodesk Fusion 360 Vs. Shapr3D For CAD Design

Autodesk Fusion 360 and Shapr3D are both CAD or 3D modeling programs. Autodesk Fusion 360 is a cloud-based desktop modeling program with an app that you can use to collaborate with others through sharing, viewing, or commenting on designs Shapr3D has a fully functioning 3D modeling or CAD app that works on the Apple Ipad with the Apple Pencil compute and other platforms.

You can discover more by reading Autodesk Fusion 360 Vs. Shapr3D For CAD Design by clicking here.

Anita Hummel
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