Having a UL or ETL-listed light product can be very important for your lamps and lighting. You can quickly tell if the product you purchase is the UL or ETL mark by seeing the product’s UL or ETL sticker or mark.
Products sold or imported into the United States or Canada should have a UL or ETL mark to show they are UL or ETL listed. UL and ETL-listed products have passed particular safety and other standards and verified “third-party certification.” For buildings, the building code inspectors will ensure that all electrical products, including the lighting, have UL or ETL marks and certifications sold in commercial buildings.
Table of Contents
- Do your products need to be UL- and ETL-listed products?
- Reasons To Have UL Or ETL Lamps And Lighting
- UL And ETL Listed Lamps And Lightings Are The Industry Standard
- The UL Or ETL Mark Shows The Lamps or Lighting Has Passed A Standard
- Best To Import Products With UL or ETL Standards
- With UL Or ETL, You Know Products Viewed By Third Party
- UL And ETL Lamps Are About Safety
- Commercial Building Code Inspectors
- Related Content
Do your products need to be UL- and ETL-listed products?
The concise answer to that is YES, it should be, and it is best for you if it is, but legally, no law says products sold in the United States must have the UL or ETL mark; because there is no law, this is where it can get confusing.
Your products should be UL or ETL listed if you will sell them or use them in the United States due to safety concerns and the fact that the product has a third-party verification attached to it. There are many reasons why this is important for you and your business to have UL and ETL lamps and lighting.
At Mondoro, we have our UL-listed lamp manufacturing in Vietnam for portables. Portables are any lamps considered portable and not fixed, such as table lamps and floor lamps. You can find out more about our UL-listed factory by contacting Anita by clicking here.
Reasons To Have UL Or ETL Lamps And Lighting
Today the standard for most lamps and lighting is UL or ETL listed lamps and lighting. We believe you should have UL or ETL lamps and lighting standards listed for all your home decor needs.
Below are some of our top reasons you should look at having a UL or ETL-listed lamp and lighting for all your home decor needs.
UL And ETL Listed Lamps And Lightings Are The Industry Standard
UL and ETL-listed lamps and lighting are the industry standard. So if you are purchasing a lamp with a UL or ETL certification and verification, you can be sure that your supplier understands the industry standard of lamps and lighting.
The UL Or ETL Mark Shows The Lamps or Lighting Has Passed A Standard
The UL or ETL mark shows that the purchasing lamps or lighting have passed either the UL or ETL standard. The Ul and ETL standards are essential to the same standards but with different marks.

Any supplier with the UL or ETL must go through inspections with the UL or the ETL team to ensure they produce lamps that are up to the UL or ETL standard. The UL or ETL inspectors will verify that your lamp or lighting is being produced up to their required testing and standards.
Even though UL and ETL are both marks for lamps, lighting, and other electrical, there is very little difference between the two marks; UL and ETAL are the same standards.
Best To Import Products With UL or ETL Standards
If you are looking to import products into the United States or Canada, it is best that your lamps, lighting, and electrical products have the UL or ETL standard. It would help if you found a supplier overseas who can offer your UL and ETL verifications on your lamps.
Having the UL and ETL stickers on your lamps will help ensure that your lamp has been tested to the required standard. It will also help with the importation process.
You can tell if your lamp is UL or ETL standards by the sticker on the socket. The sticker should have the UL or ETLL number of the supplier who has tested and manufactured your lamp.
Because of the safety issues and testing involved with UL or ETL certification, we recommend that everyone import products with the UL or ETL standards, but no law says UL or ETL must be on a lamp to import or sell products in the United States.
With UL Or ETL, You Know Products Viewed By Third Party
With UL and ETL standards, you know that your products were viewed by a third party, such as UL or ETL, for electrical compliance. This is why UL and ETL call themselves “Third Party Certification.”
The UL or ETL standard gives unbiased safety assurance and verification and ensures that your products meet all their required standards.
UL And ETL Lamps Are About Safety
When the UL and ETL lamp has the UL or ETL sticker, the sticker says that your lamp or lighting has been thoroughly tested to ensure the lamp is of the required safety standards. For a lamp to have that sticker, the parts used for the UL or ETL certification must also show they have been tested for the proper safety standard.
When you purchase a UL and ETL lamp, you are ensured that the lamp and lighting have undergone a series of tests for all the parts. This is because the UL and ETL mark is about the safety of the products, especially against fire and other hazards.
Commercial Building Code Inspectors

To show how important UL and ETL standards are if there is a commercial building, most commercial building code inspectors will look for UL and ETL standards for all the electrical parts of their building.
If you are building a new commercial building or trying to sell one, the building code inspector will verify that all your lighting and selling lamps are UL or ETL listed. The reason is that UL or ETL helps to ensure that the electrical products are safe.
A good building code inspector will look for these marks on all the electrical products.
Even if you are not in a commercial building but are in a residential building, it is good to know and understand that UL and ETL-listed products are something that a professional building code inspector would look for.
They would look for it because of the insurance aspects of the building. They want to be sure the building is safe and all the fixtures are also safe.
If you are interested in producing UL-certified lamps or lighting in China or Vietnam, don’t hesitate to contact me, Anita, by clicking here. We would love to talk to you to see how we can help you with your UL and ETL-listed needs.
If you are interested in seeing how Mondoro can help you manufacture UL-certified table floor lamps or other products – we would love to talk to you to see how we can help you.
Find out more about how Mondoro can help you create, develop, and manufacture excellent home decor and home furniture products – don’t hesitate to contact me, Anita. Check out my email by clicking here or become a part of our community and join our newsletter by clicking here.
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Related Content
Differences Between UL, CSA, and ETL Certifications
The UL, CSA, and ETL certifications are all tested and produced up to the same standard and testing; they are all certified for use in Canada and the United States. One of the significant differences between the UL, CSA, and ETL marks is that UL certification is the most highly recognized certification.
You can discover more by reading Differences Between UL, CSA, and ETL Certifications by clicking here.
How Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Make Money?
Underwriters Laboratories make their money from contributions and grants, servicing and other fees, and investment income. When you view their tax returns, you can see that they make money through their servicing and fee structure.
You can discover more by reading How Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Make money by clicking here.
Is The UL Rating Acceptable In Canada?
The UL rating is only for the United States and is not used in Canada, but Canada does have a rating called ULC or cUL, which is essentially the same as UL but has been approved for Canada. Canada also has a CSA rating that is essentially the same as the cUL rating used in Canada.
Click here to learn more about the Is The UL Rating Acceptable In Canada?.
Additional Blogs About UL and ETL
Here are some other blogs that we have written about UL, ETL, and other certifications.
a. How Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Make money, click this link to read.
b. Is ETL Listed The Same As UL Listed? To understand the Certifications, click this link to read.
c. Is UL Approval Required On All Items Sold In The USA?, click this link to read.