Every time mattresses or other foam products are advertised, you may see a CertiPUR – US logo or they may tell you the foam is CertiPUR-US certified. You may wonder if having a mattress or foam product with a CertiPUR-US label is legit and why a CertiPUR-US label matters.
CertiPUR-US is an American-based certification program for mattresses and other foam products. The CertiPUR-US label shows that the manufacturer of the bed or foam has been able to meet or exceed the CertiPur-US requirements during their foam manufacturing.
10 Reasons Why A CertiPUR Mattress Is Legit
If you’re looking to buy a mattress in the United States, chances are that you may see a CertiPUR- US logo.
Here are ten reasons why CertiPUR-US is legitimate and why it can make a difference in the foam, mattress, or other products you purchase with their logo.
CertiPUR-US Is A USA Foam Certification Program
CertiPUR-US is a US certification program dealing with all foam types. This could be foam in your mattress, sofa, and even your dog’s bed. CertiPUR-US is concerned with all kinds of foams that are used in a host of products.

Any manufacturer with the CertiPUR-US label has undergone rigorous testing standards to ensure that any foam they produce meets and can exceed the CertiPUR-US requirements. If you buy a mattress or sofa with the CertiPUR-US label, you can be sure that it has been thoroughly tested for quality and all the CertiPUR-US standards.
CertiPUR-US Is About Producing Environmentally Responsible Foam
CertiPUR-US is about producing environmentally responsible foam. The CertiPUR-US, for the form industry, set up the US certification process to ensure that consumers would understand what chemicals and other things were inside the foam. The reason was to allow the consumers to make an educated purchasing decision.
The US CertiPUR label is similar to many brands now in Europe and is a label concerned that the foam is produced environmentally.
CertiPUR-US Is About Transparency In The Foam Industry
At the core of CertiPUR-US is transparency in the foam industry. It is about ensuring that the foam suppliers use substances that do not harm the environment or people.
Some foam without CertiPUR-US has been known to use some harmful substances in their foam. CertiPUR ensures transparency in what manufacturers put into the foams being used.
CertiPUR-US Ensures Foam Is Produced Without Ozone Depleters
Ozone-depleting substances are materials that are known to hurt the earth’s ozone layer. The EPA, or the Environmental Protection Agency, has a list of substances known to harm the earth’s ozone layer.

In the past, many foam manufacturers used chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in their production. CertiPUR-US ensures that the foam manufacturers with the CertiPUR-US certification do not use any ozone-depleting substances or chlorofluorocarbons to manufacture the foam.
CertiPUR-US Ensures Foam Made Without Harmful Substances
The CertiPUR-US Certification also ensures that foam suppliers with the CertiPUR-US label do not use any other harmful substances in their foam manufacturing. The major toxic chemicals would be mercury, lead, and other heavy metals. Though they are not that common in foam manufacturing, they have still been banned under the CertiPUR-US certification.
CertiPUR-US Foam Is Made Without Harmful Fire Retardants
CertiPUR-US does not allow manufacturers to use flame retardant materials that could damage a person’s health or chemicals banned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Here is a list of some of the chemicals which are not allowed to be used under the CertiPUR-US certification:
- Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Or PBDEs – This is a substance that some manufacturers use to meet certain states’ flammability requirements. But these PBDEs were also banned by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2005 and are not allowed in CertiPUR foam.
- Tris Or TCEP And TDCPP – These substances are known to be linked to cancer and may cause congenital disabilities or damage to fertility or an unborn child. They are also banned in all CertiPUR-US certified foam.
CertiPUR-US Foam Is Made Without Formaldehyde
Even though formaldehyde has never been used in foam, some foam can cause formaldehyde into the surrounding air. Having no Formaldehyde is one of the requirements in CertiPUR-US certified foam.
CertiPUR-US will do a test to ensure the CertiPUR-US certified foam has no formaldehyde present.

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CertiPUR-US Foam Is Made Without Phthalates
Phthalates are mainly used in foam as a softening agent. The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (2009) eliminated the use of this substance for children’s toys and items.
CertiPUR-US requires that foam manufacturers show that they do not use this in their foams.
CertiPUR- US Mattress Foam Is Made With Low VOC Emissions
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are a significant component of air pollution problems. VOC in household products can hurt or damage indoor air quality.

CertiPUR-US tests all certified foams in a small chamber to ensure that CertiPUR-US foams have low emissions for any VOCs. This will ensure that any CertiPUR-US certified foam will not add to any VOCs.
CertiPUR- US Is A Not-For-Profit Organization
CertiPUR-US is a US-based Not-For-Profit company that was incorporated in 2008. The CertiPUR-US will also conduct random tests of products using their logo to ensure they meet or exceed their standards.
As a Not-For-Profit company, its primary goal is to ensure they have the consumer’s confidence that all the products bearing the CertiPUR-US label are up to the CertiPUR-US standard.
CertiPUR-US is a legitimate organizatoin. The CertiPUR-US certification is an essential label for consumers to look for products sold in the United States. You can learn more about the CertiPUR – US program by clicking here.
If you are interested in seeing how Mondoro can help you with your foam, mattresses, and other home decor products – we would love to talk to you about how we can help you.
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