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The Difference Between Quality Control And Inspection

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Quality Control and quality inspection are essential aspects of the quality control system. Though the two may seem like the same, there are significant differences between them.

Quality control is a company’s process to maintain quality throughout the entire production process. Manufacturers must create an environment that ensures products are manufactured up to a specific standard. Quality Inspection is part of the quality control process for inspecting the manufactured products to ensure they are up to the required standard.

Table of Contents

What Is Quality Control?

Quality control is a process to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved. The key is that quality control is about the entire process a product must go through to ensure that the product is up to standard.

Quality control requires that the manufacturer create an environment where employees and management will strive for perfection in manufacturing products.

Mondoro’s Commitment to Excellence: Upholding the ‘Zero Complaints and Defects’ Standard

At Mondoro, we are not just dedicated to creating exceptional products; we are committed to perfection in every aspect of our production and manufacturing process. One of our foundational core values is “Zero Complaints and Defects,” a standard that guides every step we take.

This commitment means we strive tirelessly to ensure that every product that leaves our facility meets the highest quality and customer satisfaction standards.

Our approach to achieving this goal is multifaceted. It begins with meticulous material selection, ensuring that only the best quality resources are used.

Our design and manufacturing teams work hand-in-hand, employing state-of-the-art techniques and technologies to craft products with precision and care. We believe that attention to detail in the early stages of production significantly reduces the likelihood of defects.

Moreover, our quality control process is rigorous and comprehensive. Each product undergoes several rounds of inspection to identify and rectify any potential issues before they reach our customers. This relentless pursuit of excellence extends to our customer service team, who are trained to address any concerns proactively and ensure complete satisfaction.

At Mondoro, “Zero Complaints and Defects” is more than a goal—it’s a promise we make to ourselves and, more importantly, our customers. It’s a testament to our unwavering dedication to quality, reliability, and customer trust. Through this core value, we aim to meet and exceed expectations, cementing our reputation as a leader in our industry..

We do several things to ensure that we have Zero Complaints And Defects; all of these things concern quality control.

  • Training Personnel – We spend time to ensure all our employees and also stakeholders are trained in quality and understand all the quality standards we have in place.
  • Benchmarks for Product Quality – We also set a standard and have a benchmark for what those standards need to be for all the items we produce. We do this by ensuring we have all the proper paperwork and other things in place as part of our quality control process.
  • Test Products – At Mondoro, we do various in-house testing for our products. These tests include drop tests, UL electrical standards, cycle tests, and rust and other metal tests. We have testing guidelines to ensure that our product meets the required standard.

One of the main aspects of quality control is that there must be well-defined quality control standards, known as the quality control process.

These quality control standards are in place to help standardize the production and how the manufacturer will react to possible quality issues.

One of the aspects of quality control is to have a well-defined standard for when quality control issues arise and what employees can handle what aspect of the quality control issues—having a process in place of who can handle what standards also helps to ensure that only the qualified people can help to solve quality control issues.

What Is Quality Inspection?

A quality inspection is part of the quality control process in place. A quality inspection has several vital functions that include:

Workers caring the basket
Workers help one another to ensure that the product is handled properly
  • Measuring – An essential aspect of quality inspection is to measure the products. This can be measured by measuring the size and counting the quantities that are present and ready to be shipped.
  • Examining – Examining is about looking at the product’s overall quality and all the product quality details. At Mondoro, we do a 100% inspection to examine all the products while in the production process and the product’s final quality.
  • Testing – Testing ensures that products are up to the required standard. At Mondoro, we will do drop tests for packaging and electrical testing for all lamps. We have other standard tests we do, such as rust tests for metal parts, cycle tests, and weight limit tests.
  • Comparison – An essential part of quality inspection is to compare the products against a sample and other information. At Mondoro, we have product forms and other information that help to give us quality characteristics and benchmarks; we require that we also have production samples so that we can produce them as per the confirmation sample.

Mondoro’s Rigorous Inspection Processes: Ensuring Unmatched Product Quality

At Mondoro, our commitment to delivering products of the highest quality is unwavering. To uphold this commitment, we have implemented a series of comprehensive inspections that form an integral part of our production process.

These inspections are designed to meticulously evaluate every aspect of our products, ensuring that they meet our stringent quality standards and satisfy the expectations of our customers.

  1. Initial Material Inspection: Before production begins, we thoroughly check the raw materials for any defects. This proactive approach helps in preventing issues that could arise later in the manufacturing process.
  2. In-Process Inspection: Our skilled inspectors conduct regular checks at various stages during production. This ongoing scrutiny allows us to immediately address any irregularities and ensure each product component aligns with our design specifications.
  3. Final Product Inspection: Once a product is completed, it undergoes a final, detailed inspection. This critical step involves examining the finished product for quality, functionality, and aesthetics. Only items that pass this rigorous examination are cleared for shipping.
  4. Random Sampling Inspection: We also perform random sampling in addition to these structured inspections. This method is an additional layer of quality control, ensuring consistency and reliability across our product range.
  5. Packaging and Pre-Shipment Inspection: Finally, we inspect the packaging to ensure it meets our standards for durability and safety. A pre-shipment review is conducted to verify that every product is ready for delivery and will reach the customer in perfect condition.

Through these multi-tiered inspection processes, Mondoro ensures that each product not only reflects our high standards but also embodies the trust and satisfaction of our customers. It is through these diligent practices that we continue to build and maintain our reputation for quality and excellence in the market.

At Mondoro, we have names for these kinds of inspections. The inspections are part of the quality inspection process:

  • DUPRO – During Process Inspection – This is the inspection that takes place during the production of the product. It can include two kinds of inspection:
    • Preproduction Inspection – Preproduction Inspection occurs during the preproduction phase when raw materials are examined, checked, and tested.
    • In-Process Inspection – In-process inspection is when we inspect manufactured goods or products. During this phase, we will measure, examine, test, and compare the products throughout production.
  • FDI – Final Detailed Inspection – The Final Detailed Inspection is also known as the FDI, is the inspection that takes place when goods are packed and ready to be shipped.

Quality Control Vs. Quality Inspection

Both Quality Control and Quality Inspection are essential processes to ensure that the goods are of the required quality; they are both focused on the quality of the product.

Quality Control is about the entire quality process and the training of personnel, testing, and other aspects of quality that ensure that a product can be produced with zero defects or complaints. Quality Inspection is under Quality Control and is only one aspect of the entire Quality Control process.

If you are interested in seeing how Mondoro can help you with your business and products – we would love to talk to you to see how we can help you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between inspection and testing in manufacturing?

: Inspection in manufacturing involves visually examining products or materials for defects, while testing involves conducting specific experiments or evaluations to assess product performance and functionality.

What is the difference between quality inspection and quality control?

: Quality inspection focuses on identifying defects or discrepancies in finished products, whereas quality control encompasses a broader range of activities to ensure that all manufacturing processes meet specific quality standards.

What is the difference between quality inspection and quality assurance?

: Quality inspection is a subset of quality assurance. While quality inspection focuses on identifying defects in finished products, quality assurance encompasses a broader set of activities to prevent defects and ensure that processes are implemented correctly throughout production

What is the difference between quality control and quality inspection?

Quality control involves the entire process of monitoring and managing product quality, including inspection. Quality inspection specifically refers to the examination of finished products to identify defects or deviations from quality standards.

How does inspection differ from quality control?

Inspection is a specific activity within quality control that involves examining finished products for defects. Quality control encompasses a broader range of activities, including process monitoring, documentation, corrective actions, and continuous improvement to ensure overall product quality

What is the primary purpose of inspection in manufacturing?

The primary purpose of inspection in manufacturing is to identify and address any defects or discrepancies in finished products before they are delivered to customers, thereby ensuring the product meets the required quality standards.

How does quality control ensure product quality beyond inspection?

: Quality control goes beyond inspection by implementing processes, procedures, and quality standards throughout all stages of manufacturing. It includes activities such as process control, quality audits, supplier management, training, and continuous improvement initiatives.

How do quality inspection and quality control contribute to customer satisfaction?

: Quality inspection and quality control play crucial roles in ensuring that products meet customer expectations and requirements. By identifying and addressing defects or deviations from quality standards, manufacturers can deliver products that are of high quality, reliable, and meet customer needs, ultimately leading to customer satisfaction

Can quality control replace the need for inspection in manufacturing?

No, quality control and inspection serve different purposes. While quality control aims to prevent defects and ensure consistent product quality throughout the manufacturing process, inspection specifically focuses on evaluating finished products for defects before they are released.

The Pre-shipment Inspection Guide and Product Quality Assurance

A Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI) is an inspection that takes place once the goods are completed and ready to be shipped. The Pre-shipment Inspection helps ensure that the manufactured products are quality, quantity, and price ordered.

You can discover more by reading The Pre-shipment Inspection Guide and Product Quality Assurance by clicking here.

DUPRO, During the Production Product Inspection Guide

The DUPRO Inspection is a product inspection conducted during the manufacturing phase of production. The DUPRO is also known during the production inspection. Its primary purpose is to find any errors during the product’s manufacturing phase. Most manufacturing errors are easier to fix during production than when goods are completed.

To find out more about DUPRO, During the Production Product Inspection Guide, click this link.

Anita Hummel
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