In the rural areas surrounding Hanoi, Vietnam, villages with a legacy of lacquer production spanning several centuries. This enduring Vietnamese lacquerware tradition testifies to the ancient roots of Vietnamese lacquer art, which has been integral to the country’s culture and handicrafts for thousands of years. Owing to this rich history, Vietnamese artisans have developed exceptional…
The art of Vietnamese lacquerware has deep historical roots, enduring for centuries. Even today, in villages surrounding Hanoi, artisans persist in creating exquisite lacquer pieces. Frequently applied to furniture, each item undergoes meticulous hand-sanding, layer after layer, to achieve the desired finish. This time-honored craft remains a significant element in contemporary furniture production. Continue reading…
Vietnamese is one of the places worldwide that continues to produce traditional types of lacquer furniture, wall art, mirrors, and accessories. The Vietnamese lacquer finish is unique and stunning. Lacquer is a highly versatile technique for manufacturing furniture, home decor, and home furnishing accessories. Lacquerware is a product that is steeped in the traditions of…