Tag: Alabaster

  • How Can You Tell If Alabaster Is Real?

    How Can You Tell If Alabaster Is Real?

    Today, quite a bit of imitation alabaster is out on the market. Some of the imitation alabaster looks very good, so it can be hard to tell what is real and what is imitation. You can check if your alabaster is genuine or an imitation alabaster. One of the main ways is through the thickness…

  • How Durable Is Alabaster? 

    How Durable Is Alabaster? 

    Alabaster is a material that many artists and home decor designers like to use for their products. But one question that many people want to understand is if alabaster is durable. Alabaster is usually considered a soft stone, and it is not as durable as other stones, such as marble. Some types of alabaster can…

  • What Is The Difference Between Alabaster And Onyx

    What Is The Difference Between Alabaster And Onyx

    Alabaster and Onyx may seem like similar products, but the truth is that they are pretty different and have different properties and uses. The Alabaster is a soft, translucent stone, usually white with either black or brown veins or lines throughout the stone. Onyx is a much harder stone and is typically black and white.…

  • What Is Alabaster?  Alabaster For Home Decor Product Development

    What Is Alabaster? Alabaster For Home Decor Product Development

    Alabaster continues to be an important material for home decor product development. One reason is that it is such a beautiful natural material. Alabaster is a medium-hard gypsum or calcite mineral with a fine uniformed grain, usually white and translucent. When Alabaster is put up to the light, you can see the stone’s small, fine,…