Tag: LED

  • Lampshades And Maximum Wattage Requirements

    Lampshades And Maximum Wattage Requirements

    When people purchase an Underwriters Laboratories (UL) certified lamp, they are surprised that the lampshade will have the light bulb’s maximum wattage information. The lampshade must have a minimum wattage as one of the requirements of a UL-certified light. Every UL-certified lamp you receive should have information about the maximum light bulb wattage you can…

  • What Is The Difference Between LED, CFL, and Incandescent Light Bulbs?

    What Is The Difference Between LED, CFL, and Incandescent Light Bulbs?

    There can be a little bit of confusion between what the difference is between an LED or incandescent bulb and which light bulb is the most energy-efficient one to use. Incandescent light bulbs are the light bulbs that most of us call standard lightbulbs or the lightbulbs Edison invented. CFL is also known as a…