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About Weaving Water Hyacinth Baskets Into Home Décor Products
Water hyacinth is a weed that once clogged all the waterways around Vietnam. But despite its history, it is now considered an eco-friendly choice for weaving home decor baskets and other home decor products. Water hyacinths used to be a nuisance on the waterways around Vietnam as the water hyacinth plant grows on the water…
What is Spun Bamboo? Using Spun Bamboo in Product Development
Spun Bamboo is an 800-year-old Vietnamese handicraft technique. Like so many home decor manufacturing techniques, spun bamboo has an interesting history and shows the Vietnamese people’s ingenuity. Spun bamboo was invented in Vietnam over 800 years ago to give a cheaper alternative to the home decor and home utensil materials that were then being used.…