Sourcing & Business Tips

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Blogs – Sourcing & Business Tips

  • Apple’s Overseas Service Sucks – Even Apple Gets It Wrong

    Apple’s Overseas Service Sucks – Even Apple Gets It Wrong

    I spend most of my time living and working in Hanoi, Vietnam, but even though I am here, I tend to buy many electronic products, including my Apple products, in the United States. I have always been a great fan of Apple electronic products and the excellent Apple service in the United States. However, the…

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  • Understanding The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals – Impact On Business

    Understanding The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals – Impact On Business

    I do some volunteer work for the BYU Management Society. We plan to have a conference in August focusing on the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I am surprised how few of these goals are mentioned in the home decor and furniture industry when most significant companies are taking action on these goals. The…

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  • 5 Common Product Sourcing or Product Procurement Errors

    5 Common Product Sourcing or Product Procurement Errors

    Sourcing new suppliers and products is a challenging task. Mondoro has a wealth of experience in procuring various products from different countries over the years. Along this journey, we’ve gained valuable insights through costly and intricate lessons. We have listed 5 most common product sourcing or procurement errors which include 1) if it looks too…

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  • What Is The Origin Of Underwater Basket Weaving?

    What Is The Origin Of Underwater Basket Weaving?

    When we think of college degrees and the subsequent job market, specific images come to mind: the hopeful graduate with a mortarboard and diploma ready to take on the world. However, lurking in the corners of college folklore is the term “underwater basket weaving,” a phrase that conveys quite a different image—one of futility, impracticality,…

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  • Is Underwater Basket Weaving Real? Unraveling The Joke

    Is Underwater Basket Weaving Real? Unraveling The Joke

    The term “underwater basket weaving” has long stood as a humorous idiom, signifying what’s thought to be an uncomplicated, futile, or frivolous academic class. This phrase has been seamlessly woven into student vernacular, frequently brandished to tease specific college courses’ oddity or perceived ease. Yet, the question floats: Does the notion of intertwining reeds beneath…

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  • The Rise And Fall Of Blockbuster By Digital Disruption

    The Rise And Fall Of Blockbuster By Digital Disruption

    I can still recall the simple pleasure of strolling down the aisles of a Blockbuster store, scanning through shelves full of VHS tapes or DVDs, and picking out a few to enjoy a movie night at home. Those moments now feel like a distant memory. Blockbuster, once a cornerstone of family entertainment, has become obsolete,…

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  • Netflix & Blockbuster – Case Study Of Disruptive Innovation

    Netflix & Blockbuster – Case Study Of Disruptive Innovation

    It’s rare for a week without me tuning into Netflix to watch something or at least browse its offerings to find my next binge-worthy series. I know I’m not alone in this habit; countless others probably engage in the same routine. That’s why examining the Netflix and Blockbuster case study is so enlightening. It offers…

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  • What Is Disruptive Innovation?

    What Is Disruptive Innovation?

    Before his untimely death in 2020, I had the privilege of attending a speech by Clay Christensen, the renowned American academic and business consultant. One of his most influential contributions was the theory of disruptive innovation. According to his theory, disruption starts when a fledgling company identifies a neglected market segment and introduces a new…

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  • 12 Challenges Of Remote Work And Why It Might Not Be Sustainable

    12 Challenges Of Remote Work And Why It Might Not Be Sustainable

    After COVID ended, I asked my office in Vietnam and China if they wanted to continue remorse work, do a hybrid approach, or come back to the office. They all said we want and need to return to the office; I have found their response to be very different from what many feel in the…

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