UL Portable Lamps Harp Weight Test Explained

157 views Apr 15, 2022

Each electrical UL lamp we export needs to go through a rigorous UL testing process. This video shows how the UL lamps we manufacture must have a harp that can pass the weight standards as set by UL. Every lamp we manufacture goes through these tests. To find out more about using shade on a lamp, you can read Why Do We Use Lampshades And Light Fixtures? https://mondoro.com/why-do-we-use-lampshades-and-light-fixtures/ Subscribe to our Youtube channel to discover more great content. At Mondoro we help you create, develop and manufacture home decor and home furnishing products in Asia. To find out more of how Mondoro can help you, go to our website https://mondoro.com/ Listen to our Global Trade Gal podcast https://podcast.mondoro.com/ We’d love to have you be part of our community by signing up for our newsletter. https://mondoro.com/newsletter-sign-up-2/ Download a free copy of our Lookbook at https://mondoro.com/lookbook-sign-up/