DUPRO product Inspections

DUPRO, During the Production Product Inspection Guide

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The DUPRO and pre-shipment inspections (PSI) are product quality inspections. Though similar, the DUPRO differs from the pre-shipment inspection (PSI).

The DUPRO Inspection is a product inspection conducted during the manufacturing phase of production. The DUPRO is also known as during the production inspection. Its primary purpose is to find errors during the product’s manufacturing phase. Most manufacturing errors are more easily fixed during production than when goods are completed.

Table of Contents

What Is A DUPRO Inspection?

The DUPRO inspection is production or inspection conducted during the product’s manufacturing process. DUPRO inspections are completed when the product is 20% to 80% wholly manufactured. The inspection can help you find errors you would not otherwise find.

To create, develop, and manufacture quality-free products, the DUPRO is at the core of proper inspection. We consider the DUPRO an essential part of our product inspections.

A DUPRO inspection is an integral part of any inspection process. At Mondoro, it is a very important part of our quality strategy.

Reasons why a DUPRO Inspection is important

A Dupro (During Production) inspection is a vital step in the manufacturing process that ensures the quality and integrity of the products. This inspection is conducted while the production is ongoing, allowing for timely identification and rectification of any issues or defects.

By performing Dupro inspections, manufacturers can maintain consistency in product quality, adhere to industry standards, and ultimately deliver reliable and satisfactory products to customers.

This proactive approach helps minimize risks, reduce production costs associated with rework or recalls, and uphold the brand’s reputation. In essence, Dupro inspections play a crucial role in safeguarding product quality, customer satisfaction, and the overall success of the manufacturing process.

Here is how a DUPRO inspection can help you:

Finding Errors –

Many errors or mistakes can only be found during the DUPRO inspection. Many errors will not appear during the pre-shipment inspection (PSI).

Product Inner Construction –

During the DUPRO, you can see the inner construction of your product and catch any mistakes that cannot be seen in the final production phase.

Check Production Process-

You can see where and how far along your product is in production. This can allow you to judge if the shipment will be on time or if there could be a delay.

Product and Parts Testing –

During the DUPRO, we can pull a few parts, pieces, or other materials and do any other tests that may need to be done. For example, we may take some hardware or screws and conduct a simple rust test on them.

At Mondoro, we believe in conducting DUPRO inspections throughout our production process. In fact, our inspectors may conduct DUPRO inspections weekly or bi-monthly for our product manufacturing.

Why We Conduct DUPRO Inspections?

The main reason a DUPRO inspection is conducted is for the inspector to find potential or actual product errors and stop them before they become a quality problem. Correcting manufacturing errors during the DUPRO inspection phase is usually easier than once the goods are completed.

The goal of the DUPRO inspection, as with all inspections, is to produce an error-free product. Because of this, all manufacturers should welcome a DUPRO inspection and see it as a way to ensure the product meets the required quality and standards.

3 Main Areas We Look For In Our DUPRO Inspections

There are many reasons why we conduct DUPRO inspections for our product manufacturing. Here are some main areas we will focus on in our DUPRO inspections.

Product Manufacturing Construction:

One of the major things that need to be looked at during the DUPRO inspection is the overall construction of the manufactured product. In manufacturing home decor and home furnishing products, we will look for the following:

  • Construction process – During the DUPRO, we can see the entire construction process for our item and ensure it meets the required quality.
  • Base quality – We will look at and check the overall quality and construction of the manufactured base.
  • Materials – We will check that the materials used meet the required standard. This includes things like glue, screws, or even welding on parts and pieces.

Checking the overall product construction allows us to see how the product is constructed and what materials are used. This allows us to find any errors in the manufacturing process that could not otherwise be fixed or changed. Once a finish is put on a product, it can be harder to see the construction of the actual product.

Product Finishing:

During the DUPRO, we will check to make sure the product’s finish is up to standard. If there is a production sample, we will match it against the actual production.

The DUPRO also allows us to help answer any questions the supplier may have about the finish or how to apply it. We can easily fix or adjust these things during the manufacturing process instead of after the products are completed.

Product Packing and Labeling:

During the DUPRO, we can check for any packing or labeling concerns. Here are some basic packing issues we look for during the DUPRO inspection:

  • Packing quality—During the DUPRO, we can check the packing quality of the product before it is packed for shipment. This allows us to make any necessary adjustments at this phase.
  • Product Labeling—A DUPRO allows us to discuss any or special labeling with the manufacturer. Labeling is easy to fix before a product is packed, but it can become a challenging issue to fix once a product is packed.
  • Drop Test – We can conduct a drop test. The drop test allows us to see any packing or quality issues so that we can change or adjust our packing as required.

A good DUPRO will examine all aspects of a product, from construction to finishing to packing. It is usually easier to correct these errors during the DUPRO inspection than during the pre-shipment inspection (PSI).

The DUPRO inspection is an essential part of any product inspection strategy. Many errors can only be seen or found during a product’s manufacturing process.

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Anita Hummel
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