Category: Materials

  • How To Bend And Shape Rattan

    How To Bend And Shape Rattan

    Rattan is a natural material found mainly in the jungle areas of Southeast Asia. It is a material that has been used for centuries to make home decor and home furniture products. Rattan can be bent and shaped in a variety of ways. The rattan must first be pliable so that it can be bent.…

  • What Handicraft Products Is Vietnam Known For?

    What Handicraft Products Is Vietnam Known For?

    Vietnam is a country that has a prosperous handicraft industry. Many villages have been making handicraft products for thousands of years. Vietnam is known for its Vietnamese lacquerware production and has a long history in manufacturing ceramics and porcelain. It is also has a long history of basket weaving and silk weaving, along with embroidery…

  • Seaweed Vs. Seagrass, Difference Explained

    Seaweed Vs. Seagrass, Difference Explained

    Seaweed can sometimes be confused with Seagrass; they have significant differences. Seaweed and Seagrass grow in the ocean, but they are different types of marine life and plants. Seaweed is an alga that usually is eaten as a food source. Seagrass is a grass that grows underwater and takes root on the ocean floor; the…

  • What Is The Difference Between Alabaster And Onyx

    What Is The Difference Between Alabaster And Onyx

    Alabaster and Onyx may seem like similar products, but the truth is that they are pretty different and have different properties and uses. The Alabaster is a soft, translucent stone, usually white with either black or brown veins or lines throughout the stone. Onyx is a much harder stone and is typically black and white.…

  • Differences Between Lacquer, Acrylic, and Enamel Paint

    Differences Between Lacquer, Acrylic, and Enamel Paint

    If you are going to be painting, it is good to understand the differences between different types of paint, such as lacquer, acrylic, and enamel paint. All these paints have other properties. Lacquer paint is a quick-drying paint that is very hard and scratch-resistant; it is a traditional paint used for handicraft production in Vietnam…

  • How Long Does It Take For Seagrass To Grow?

    How Long Does It Take For Seagrass To Grow?

    Seagrass is one of these natural materials you can find throughout many parts of the world. Seagrass makes everything from baskets to lamps and even home decor rugs. The seagrass leaves can grow extremely fast, anywhere from 10 to 15 days. Once the leaves have been cut down, they grow extremely fast. The seagrass plant…